Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Google Maps new feature now lets create, save and share lists of your favorite places and accessed offline

Google Maps is one of the great social app as user can search the places and and find the exact location. This week Google Maps has added one new feature that is users can make a list of favourite location and save it offline and can accessed them later even users can shared these locations with other users via popular messaging apps.
From the google maps app you can tap on the location and and then tapping on the save icon to add it to a list. Lists of saved places can be organized under several pre-set lists Google has already named, like “Want to go” or “Favorites,” or users can create a new list.

Even list of save location can be shared by text and email, on social networks and via popular messaging apps as per google.

Google Maps works on both desktop and Android and iOS mobile devices.

Here’s how it all works in real life:

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