Saturday, 22 October 2016

Bing Webmaster tool

This is also very helpful to index your website and blog to Bing / Yahoo search engine so every SEOs should not ignore Bing Webmaster tool still big is the major source of organic traffic. 

(Source - searchengineland)

Rather i am suggesting to use both primary source Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools the secondary.

Bing Webmaster tool is same as Google Webmaster tool both are using to index the sitemap on their search engines.

Bing Webmaster Tools offers unique data and tools

1. Monitor site security
2. Monitor crawl & indexation performance
3. Keyword Research Tool. 
4. SEO Analyzer Tool. 

You can simply sign in free to bing webmaster tool after creating the account and submit your website.  

At LastThis is as important as GWT and there are lots of more features in BWT and i would highly recommend setting this up.

Create Account from : Bing - Webmaster Tool

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