Tuesday, 21 June 2016

On-page SEO Continue... Meta Tags

Meta Tags - Meta tags are the metadata that contains information. They are the snippets of text that describe the page's content.Meta tags are the great way to provide the information to many search engines about the webpages and sites. Meta tags are added to the <head> section of your HTML page and generally look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="Description" CONTENT="Author: A.N. Author, Illustrator: P. Picture, Category: Books, Price:  £9.24, Length: 784 pages">
    <meta name="google-site-verification" content="+nxGUDJ4QpAZ5l9Bsjdi102tLVC21AIh5d1Nl23908vVuFHs34="/>
    <title>Example Books - high-quality used books for children</title>
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">

Basically there are 4 types of Meta Tags
  • Meta Keywords Attribute - A series of keywords you deem relevant to the page in question.
  • Title Tag - This is the text you'll see at the top of your browser. Search engines view this text as the "title" of your page.
  • Meta Description Attribute - A brief description of the page.
  • Meta Robots Attribute - An indication to search engine crawlers (robots or "bots") as to what they should do with the page.

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