Wednesday, 22 June 2016

On-page SEO Continue... Interlinking

Interlinking - Inter Linking is the process of search engine optimization to connect one page from other of the same domain in such a way to that increase blogs / websites visibility to the readers.

In others words,

Internal linking is the link building or a hyperlinks to a target keyword of the same domain

This is the technique of connecting one post/page of website to other post/page of same domain with the relevant information by the means of hyperlinks.

Code Sample
<a href="" title="Keyword Text">Keyword Text</a>
Optimal Format
Use descriptive keywords in anchor text that give a sense of the topic or keywords the source page is trying to target.

Why are Internal Links Important for SEO?
Because links are one of the most important factors that search engines such as Google use to rank and order websites in visibility.
  • Internal links are help in rank better actually it improve the link flows / page rank to individual pages on your site.
  • The anchor text of links helps Google to understand the context of a webpage and to rank better.
  • It helps the google bots crawl and access different parts of your site
  • Internal links also improve user experience.

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